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Strength Building Workout – How to Gain More Strength

Strength Building Workout

There’s no doubt that in order to gain muscle mass you need a very consistent regimen that consists of diet & exercise. But what does that mean exactly? It means that a strength building workout may be your hot ticket to the body you want!

Getting a personal trainer is an okay idea if you’re looking to build muscle mass, however, most trainers will concentrate on fat loss rather than a strength building workout. We live in times where you can find a tutorial on just about anything just by doing a simple Google search.

Six pack with Strength Building Techniques

In this specific article, we are going to give you some classic tips to build muscle mass while also guiding you during your workouts to ensure that you are reaching your maximum protentional!

Exercise builds mass & builds strength

1. Squats & Deadlifts are important here because these exercises work your legs. A fair amount of fat resides in the legs and shredding that fat can be very beneficial in terms of your overall muscle mass. They are also a great strength building workout.

2. Deadlifts also strengthen your back. Consider splicing this with dumbbells, a smith machine, and a weight bench. The lifting of different weights increases the muscle mass of various parts of the body.

3. Chin ups. Chin ups. Chin ups. Chin ups strengthen your hands, arms, back, and shoulders. Exercises that work multiple muscle groups are much more beneficial for building muscle mass.

4. In order to make the chest fuller & wider, you need to do exercises that are focused on building chest muscle.  Variations of the bench press are a key element here. Lay flat on your back on the weight bench with your feet flat on the ground. Extend your arms to the bar and press the weight bar straight into the air.

Slowly, but comfortably, bring the bar down to your chest, and push it back up into the air straightening your arms completely. Set the weight bar back onto the holders once you are finished.

Several of these strength building workouts is how bodybuilders & fitness enthusiasts alike are able to build strength so rapidly.

Monitor your progress

As you start to go further into your workouts, you will notice a difference in your physical appearance. It is important to note that keeping your measurements noted. A strength building workout will only keep being successful if you are gradually improving & taking notes of your progress.

When you start to see the changes, you will be able to tell which areas of your body are going to need the most work. This can help you in terms of manipulating your work out so that you can see the best results for your body.

Lean Muscle Mass Diet

Either before or after you start seeing results, you need to start incorporating a diet that’s fit for building muscle mass & lean muscle.

1. Lean beef

It contains all the conductive things essential for muscle mass growth, primarily protein.

2. Boneless/ Skinless chicken

It is rich in protein and takes proper care of maintenance and repair of muscle.

3. Eggs

It gives you the various essentials for gaining mass muscle like high protein, nine amino acid, choline, and the right fat for muscles.

4. Oatmeal

It is enriched in carbohydrates which decreased hunger, fat loss, and better fiber. Consider adding strawberries, brown sugar, or even a very small amount of butter to enhance the flavor.

Strength Building Workouts & How To do Them

Having strength is important when it pertains to fitness. That seems like a simple concept to understand right? The more strength you have: The faster you are, the harder you can run, and more importantly the more you can live.

1. Clean Dumbbell Presses

Firstly, grab yourself a pair of dumbbells. It is recommended that you start with 20lb dumbbells but find a pair that you are comfortable pressing. Afterward, lie down on the bench. Place your feet flat on the floor. Also, you can relax your feet on the bench if that is a more comfortable position for you.

Dumbell Press Strength Training

With a dumbbell in each hand & your hands facing upward, push the dumbbells up so that your arms & the dumbbells are above your shoulders. Tense your abs and bring your chin inwards in the direction of your chest.

Bring the dumbbells back down so that they are level with your body but also below your shoulders. Now rinse & repeat with three sets of several repetitions that you are comfortable with.

2. Conventional dead lift

Deadlifting can increase your muscle tone quite rapidly and is a massive strength building workout that is widely encouraged within the fitness community.

1. Stand with your feet about 6 inches apart and the middle of your feet directly underneath the bar.

2. Bend your backbone and hold the bar with a 10inch-wide grip.

3. Bend down with your knees & back until your shins touch the bar.

4. Bring your chest up and straighten out your lower back.

5. Now hold it, take a deep breath, and stand proudly holding the weight.

Conventional Deadlift

Hold onto the weight for a few seconds and then drop back down. Rinse & repeat for continued success!

3. Barbell bench press

This is usually done for strength increases. You needed a barbell and exercise table for performing this exercise. It increases the strength of the chest.

1. Lie on your back flat on the bench with a bar and hold the bar over your body with your arms.

Strength Building Bench Press

2. Breathe in and bring the bar down gradually until the bar touches your middle chest.

3. After the bar touches the middle of your chest, raise the bar straight back up in the air.

4. Incorporate this into your workout with 3 sets of 10 reps with a weight that you are comfortable with.

5. Repeat this several times in a week for continued success.

If you are doing this exercise, don’t bounce the weight of the chest. You need to be entirely control of the bar. If you are new, then it is very much encouraged that you use a spotter. There is no reason to risk your safety.

4. Farmers walk

So, firstly, the name Farmers walk. It comes directly from where you think it would. Farmers walking with loads of their work across their fields/barns. These exercises are more commonly known as load carrying. However, as stated by Ph.D. Stuart McGill from the University of Waterloo, exercises such as these assign a significant challenge for the core muscles.

This strength building workout not only work one muscle but build upon several muscle groups. There are several tips we have for you to guide you in the right direction while attempting to carry these loads:

Strength Building With Farmers Walk
  1. Keep your back straight – Your pelvis and your lower back need to be linear for the duration of the exercise. Back health is important!
  2. Don’t be a lead foot – Keep your steps & your feet less than a foot in length. Being light on your feet can keep your strength up.
  3. Bring your chin in – Just like in boxing, do not stick your chin out. Your neck will suffer the consequences of your poor form. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on your neck and your spin will thank you.
  4. Go big or go home – As with anything else, you’re expecting results. While you can see results by not lifting heavy, it is widely encouraged that you lift heavier here. You are only limited by how much weight you don’t lift! So, GO BIG!
Farmers Walk Fitness Apparel

5. Standing landmine press

The landmine press is one of the safer and easier exercises to do that help you build strength. This strength building workout is one of the more popular among gym goers. Several gyms have a weight bar that is specifically designated for landmine presses. Others do not and that is fine. How to do a landmine press is as follows:

Strength Building Standing Landmine Press
  1. Standing up, holding the weight bar with the weighted end, have both hands on the end of the bar.
  2. You need to be level and ensure that your feet are 8-10 inches or “shoulder width” apart.
  3. Extend your arms fully while pressing the weight bar up and outward.
  4. Bring it back down so that it is close to your chest.
  5. Congratulations! That is 1 rep! Rinse & repeat for continued success!

Conclusion – What To Take From This Strength Building Discussion?

As with anything, you need to be comfortable in your day-to-day fitness routine. Strength building is a process and none of us got to where we are (even the most successful bodybuilders) by being inconsistent or even asking for a little help.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and always remember to be safe while lifting heavy!

Still interested in a strength training workout or something else? Check out our other articles here!

Bonus article: Read out H.I.I.T informational piece for more knowledge on intensity based workouts!

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