7 Minute HIIT Cardio Workout – Health Training

Would you like to lose weight or learn more about HIIT cardio? Chances are since you’re reading this you’d like to learn about one of them. Are you out of shape and overly envious of all those fit Instagram models that you follow?
You have landed on the right blog for the solution to your problem. In this post, we are going to discuss HIIT cardio and the top ways of losing weight that is actually fast, no tricks!

Are you here to lose weight or find a HIIT Cardio exercise routine?

It needs no telling that every fat & health conscious person’s dream is to lose weight, right. Considering that most people would fall into that category, we need to point out one small detail. Before reading ahead, consider whether or not you’re looking to lose weight or fat. Believe it or not, there’s a difference. We will make several facts, suggestions, and even some correlations related to HIIT cardio works and losing weight fast.

Losing weight is not too difficult of a task but it sure becomes more difficult when you try to lose it very fast. Look, guys, we’re not trying to demotivate you. Surely your intention of having a fit lifestyle is praiseworthy but your approach towards the goal is not right. Trying to lose too much weight in too little time can lead to muscle loss, weakness, loose skin, gallstones, liver issues, etc. So, please be careful about your own safety.  

As one shoe can’t fit all, similarly one HIIT Cardio workout is not perfect for all. The workouts that will be described further down on the post are eligible for those who:

1. Are extremely overweight

2. Have issues regarding high body weight

3. Don’t care too much about muscle loss

4. Can’t lose weight despite following a strict diet

How to do HIIT Cardio

If you’re into weight loss or fitness, you probably have heard the phrase HIIT. If you haven’t, then let us give you a quick explanation of what it is. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. This technique requires you to give all the effort for a short period of time, followed by a period of rest for active recovery.

A few basic examples would be (30 sec sprint+30 sec rest)*10 or (45 sec jumping jacks+15 sec rest)*12. This principle can be followed with any kind of activities such as sprint, squats, jumping jacks and what not. It all works as long as the exercises are done with a lot of intensity.

If you are wondering why just HIIT is what fitness enthusiasts suggest not cardio, then check these top benefits of just HIIT cardio for weight loss is given below:

1. kills the excuse of time

2. no equipment required

3. can mix things up if you get bored

4. people seem to stick with it

5. HIIT burns just as much fat as cardio but in a shorter period of time

So, by now you may have understood the reasons for following a HIIT cardio workout routine in quick weight loss. You might be wondering if there are so many variations and combinations available for HIIT, then which should you follow?  OK, here we are giving you the best HIIT cardio combinations I have come across during our very own weight loss journeys.

Now, on to the HIIT workout that’s under 10 minutes!

1. The 7 min HIIT Cardio Workout:

The following exercise is designed by Donovan Green, a celebrity trainer. He described and demonstrated it briefly in a youtube video on the channel Doctor Oz. For a visual demonstration, you can surely check out the video.

The exercises and duration of each are listed below:

Jumping Jacks( 1 Minute ):

Firstly do jumping jacks just to warm up your body.

•Dynamic Full Body Stretch ( 1 Minute ):

After warming up properly, you need to stretch your body. For that, you need to go down on your toes and touch the knees, touch your tummy and reach up. Likewise, you follow in reverse. This may seem easy but you have to complete all these tasks as fast as you can.

Front Kick Squat(1 Minute):

For the front kick squat you just need to squat and kick with left foot then you again squat but kick with the right foot. Follow this process for a whole minute.

Seated Arm Curl Overhead Press (1 Minute):

For performing this exercise, you sit down on a chair, do a dumbbell curl press, get your hands up and then down.

Side Step Chest Fly (1 Minute):

You need to pick up the dumbbells from the ground spread your hands then tap inwards and outwards like a dancing motion. It will work your chest and inner thigh.

Knee Lift With Side Bend (1 Minute):

You need to raise your hands first. Now you need to raise your legs as well as getting your hands down to touch them. This will give the benefit of doing crunches without lying on the ground.

Kick Back Punch (1 Minute):

For Kick Back Punch, you go to a half squat position, kick back with right foot then with the left foot and finally punch forward.

2. The 5 min HIIT Workout:

This workout plan was first described in the very popular channeled name bright side. It was mentioned as 5-Minute Workout That Replaces High-Intensity Cardio. For a visual demonstration, you can surely check out the video.

The exercises and duration are listed below:

Full Plank (1 Minute):

Firstly lie down on the floor with your belly, then raise your body on straight arms and keep your body horizontally. The body should make a straight line head to heel and breathe normally.

Elbow Plank (1 Minute):

All the steps of this exercise are similar to the full body plank except for you have to raise your body on your elbows, not on hands.

Raised Leg Plank (1 Minute)

It is highly similar to elbow plank except for the fact that you need to raise your legs as high as your glutes or higher than that. Remember you need to do this exercise with only one leg up for 30 seconds. Then switch to the other leg for another 30 seconds.

Left & Right Sided Plank (1 Minute):

For this exercise turn to your left side and put the left elbow strictly under the shoulder. After making sure that your legs are straight, you need to push your bottom and waist up. This will make sure that your arm and feet are balanced to make a diagonal line with your body. You need to keep this position for 30 seconds while breathing normally. You just need to follow the same steps with your right side as well for another 30 seconds.

Full Plank (1 Minute):

You just need to do the same exercise as before for another minute.

       To conclude – Have you learned how to do HIIT cardio and will you actually do these workouts?

To sum up, If losing weight is your sole goal right now and you also want it to be fast, then HIIT cardio is the way to go. You may find many other variations of HIIT but this the beauty of this exercise. You can do both HIIT & cardio simultaneously. You can try various light exercises together and alter them occasionally according to your preference. These were just our preferred exercises.

Any exercise is helpful for losing weight if performed with the right intensity and backed up by a proper diet. Losing weight shouldn’t be the main goal, It should be not putting on the weight again. It is rightly said Fitness is not a destination it’s a lifestyle. So, become fit and keep fit. Do you have an exercise that can help to lose weight faster? Suggest it to us in the comment section and allow us to participate in & rate the exercise!

Have you already began the process of losing weight through HIIT cardio and are wondering how to get a toned body? Click here for our informational piece on toned body workouts.

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