
100 Calorie Snacks That Won’t Break Your Diet

Dieting can be tough. It’s late Sunday night and you’re not trying to break your diet; however, you can feel that creeping appetite. Fear not, dieting doesn’t have to be as difficult as some fitness enthusiasts seem to make it.
Seeing as you’re reading this, you’ve come here looking for 100 calorie snacks that will not only keep your bank account happy but also keep you inside of your diet’s requirements.

Now, some grocery stores do sell 100 calorie snacks in sets of three and five. You should proceed with caution when buying these as they have been heavily seasoned with salt and other preservatives that defeat the purpose of snacking lightly. 

Lightly salted 100 calorie snacks

  • Siggi’s Plain Fat-Free Yogurt

Benefits: 90 calories, 4g of sugar, 16g of protein, 55mg of sodium, 6g of carbs (4 from sugar), & 0g of saturated fat. 

Siggi’s has a more rich, creamy flavor than most of the other yogurt types that you’re going to find in the supermarket. The protein to sugar ratio is also higher than your more popular Greek yogurt brands. Plain yogurt can be a bit of a bore, so consider using unsalted peanuts a very small portion of fruit to liven things up. (If it’s within your diet, that is!).

  • Half of an apple & peanut butter

Benefits: Improves digestion, lowers cholesterol. Low calories. 26 calories in ½ of a green apple with skin. Peanut butter contains a healthy amount of protein at 3.6g per tablespoon (16 g). 

Slicing an apple in half and spreading peanut butter over the chopped pieces can not only satisfy a snack craving but also serves as getting some much-needed nutrients. Apples are packed with potassium & vitamin A and is one of the most favorited 100 calorie snacks.  

100 calorie snacks
  • Miscellaneous vegetables and dip

Benefits: Naturally low in sodium, rich in vitamins & minerals that the body needs daily, and low in calories. 

Good examples of raw veggies are cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, celery & red bell peppers with a very light amount of dressing to use as a dip. 

  • Kale Chips

Benefits: Contains vitamins C & K, calcium, and beta carotene. Kale is also rich in anti-oxidants. Kale is also a natural detoxifier, and a good source of fiber. 50-70 calories per serving.

Kale in chip form is one of the most addicting 100 calorie snacks. Its crunchy goodness keeps those unhealthy snack vibes away while also giving the body some much need detoxing, vitamins, and antioxidants. 

  • Homemade Fruit Smoothies

Benefits: Low sodium content, rich in vitamins & nutrients, healthy sugars, antioxidants, low calories, and potassium. 

Considering these smoothies are being made at home, the amount of sugar in each smoothie is controlled entirely by you. You can keep it as low as you need to stay within the confines of your diet. We (The Fitness Apparel) recommend that you mix your smoothies with low sugar juice, frozen fruits, and plain yogurt for the full experience. However, this generally goes outside of the 100-calorie range. 

  • Spicy Popcorn

Benefits: Raised metabolism from spices, a low-sodium snack that tastes as if it is high in fat & sodium & remaining within your diet’s requirements.

Either when watching a late-night movie or even just throughout our day, the notion to munch on a bowl of salty, high-fat popcorn arises. To avoid that craving and try out flavor-filled spicy popcorn, simply buy a bag of plain, air-puffed popcorn. Lightly spray with coconut oil (or an oil of your choosing), and pour in cayenne pepper, red pepper, black pepper, just a sprinkle or two of onion powder, and garlic powder. Shake to perfection and enjoy one of the most delicious 100 calorie snacks!

One Final Tidbit Of Information

Snacking can be an important part of your mental health. That seems weird to say, right? Well, it’s true. These 100 calorie snacks can keep you not only on track with your diet but also feeling as though you’re getting the proper amount of snacking in. One last thing, don’t forget the veggies!

Did you find this article useful? Interested in more dieting information? Check out our article with a guide on low sodium diets!

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